Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Effects Music Distraction upon Reading Efficiency Essays

The Effects Music Distraction upon Reading Efficiency Essays The Effects Music Distraction upon Reading Efficiency Essay The Effects Music Distraction upon Reading Efficiency Essay This experiment investigated the effects of music distraction upon reading efficiency, as measured by the score on a comprehension test and the amount of text read. It was hypothesised that the non-distracted group will score higher than the distracted group. Sixteen participants were given 15 min. to read a 6-pages text and were subsequently given a comprehension test on their reading. It was found that the no distraction condition scored higher than the music distraction condition and the non-distracted group also read more amount of text than the distracted group. Introduction Modern life is noisy. Walking down the streets, we hear traffic roaring, factory machines clattering. And when we finally get back home, we cannot help but turn on the radio. In fact, many students even choose to listen to music while studying. Research has shown that auditory distraction interferes with reading comprehension.  The aim of Fendricks experiment (1937), for instance, was to measure the difference in reading efficiency when college students were asked to study a selected assignment in the classroom with and without distraction by radio music. Fendrick used the matched subject design: the two experimental groups being equated with respect to chronological age and average scores on a test of intelligence. One hundred and twenty-two participants were given 30 min. to study a 12-page mimeographed chapter from a psychology textbook. While the control group worked under quiet conditions, music from phonograph records (semi classical) was used as distractor for the experimental group. Subsequently, they were given 15 min. to complete a 60-item true-false test on the contents of the chapter, they were also asked to indicate the number of pages they had read. Sixty-one students formed the control group and sixty-students composed the experimental group. It was found that although the average comprehension scores were higher for the non-distracted group, the distracted participants read a greater amount of material. It is therefore the aim of this experiment to see if music distraction will deter reading efficiency, measured in how much they have read and their scores on the comprehension test. Following Fendricks experiment, it is hypothesized that participants under the music distraction condition will score lower than those without distraction. Method  Design  This experiment was an independent design experiment with one level of the independent variable assigned to each experimental group. The independent variable was the music distraction condition or the no distraction condition assigned to the participants, and the dependent variable was their score on the comprehension test as well as how much they could read. Participants were randomly assigned to the distraction or non-distraction condition, with an equal number of females and males in each group. For control purpose, an equal number of participants who reported that they usually study with the radio on and those who reported that they did not were also assigned to each group. All participants had passed three college English courses but had never had a Psychology course before. Participants  Sixteen naive participants, eight males and eight females, from 18 to 21 years old were chosen conveniently to participate voluntary in this experiment. All participants signed a consent form (see Appendix I) in which they were informed that the research investigated reading efficiency, assured confidentiality and will be given a feedback regarding the researchs outcome.  Materials  6-pages on personality disorders and dissociative disorders taken from a psychology textbook The pictures and graphs were removed (see Appendix II and References). Comprehension test (see Appendix III and References)  Discman with earphones and disc (see References)  Stopwatch  Pen or Pencil  Procedure  All participants were tested individually in a quiet environment such as the library or a quiet room. Using the stopwatch, the participants were allowed 15 min. to read the 6-pages text. Those in the distracted group had to wear the earphones and listen to instrumental music (see References), they were told to adjust the volume so that they could hear the music at a comfortable level. In the non-distracted group, participants also wore the earphones but no music was played. After 15-min period, the participants removed their earphones and were given 10 min. to complete the comprehension test.