Friday, May 15, 2020

effects of computers in the society - 2116 Words

The effects of computers on the world Abstract In our societies today, no one could really predict the actual effects of computers, but the changes that have taken place on the people’s daily lives are actually evident. The manner in which people over depend on the computers technology has rapidly increased and has brought several changes on the economic sector, political sector, and the education sector. The computers could possibly isolate from each other. They could also alter the face-to-face communication between people(Misa 52-63). This paper focuses on the discussion about the effects of computers on the world. Introduction In the last decades, there has been a very high revolution in communication and computing. All the†¦show more content†¦They also argue that use of computers in learning has increased competency among the students and teachers. The use of online computer use also made teachers report a high quality of results from students who use laptop computers than those students who do not use computers. The use of computer in a learning environment enabled students having computers to assemble, organize present data in multimedia formats for assignments associated to projects based on the particular unit of study(Fallansbee, S.Gilsdorf and N.Staqhl 16-22). Tierney, Kieffer, Stowell, Desai, Whalin (1992) found out that students who use computers in learning express their ideas in a well experienced manner using graphical besides non-liner forms. The computer use also increases writing skills, reading skills and teamwork among the students. They also found out that students were able to generate their hypermedia software during the introduction of computers in learning environment. The use of computers has lead to establishment of violent computer games in schools. Misa (2007) argues that the most effective manner in which computer use has affected work is through the reduction of the significance of distance. Yusuf (2007) argues that the use of computer could create employment on the society and at the same time lead to loss of employment to some groups of people in the society. Computer use could also lead to displacement of people in various fields of employment(YusufShow MoreRelatedComputers And Its Effects On Society995 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal computers have advanced tremendously in the last sixty years; as a result, they have taken over many things that people do in their daily lives. They have given people many useful applications such as email, video chat, social media, games, and the Internet. Computers have transformed people s way of life allowin g them to do things faster and easier, causing life to feel more simple. 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